VFM self-assessment - How to do it
London – 2 May, 11.00 - 15.00
Manchester – 2 May
This workshop will provide participants with a kit - the information, template and a forum - to enable them to meet the regulatory requirement to produce a VFM self-assessment.
From this workshop, you'll gain:
a cost-effective way of determining a proportionate approach for your organisation
expertise of HouseMark’s VFM specialists
peer sharing and problem solving via a workshop format
peace of mind that your approach will be robust, providing both board and regulator with the desired level of assurance
Style of the session
A practical, interactive and self-paced workshop that will explore:
regulatory requirement and implications
what a self-assessment might look like
how to measure the new ‘total’ VFM inferred by regulation
round-up - have you got the tools and information you need to take this forward?
The group will be taken through the self-assessment template step by step, discussing issues and possible solutions along the way. We'll circulate the template ahead of the session for you to take a look at and prepare your thoughts.
Before the event you should also consider your organisational mission and/or vision statement. Broadly, can you define the value you produce, eg new homes, great landlord services, care, support, ‘added value’ activities? To what extent do your existing measures map to this value? Where are the main gaps?
Who should attend?
This workshop is targeted at those officers leading on the VFM self-assessment. It's particularly useful if you have made a late start or want to sense check your approach.
The fee for this workshop is £175 + VAT
Places for these workshops are limited, should they be oversubscribed we may not be able to accommodate more than one delegate per organisation.