'Best of' estate services club
9 July, Cardiff
Following the success of similar events over the last 3 years, we're once again offering a one-day learning event looking at Estate Services. We hold regular estate services club meetings in England and the aim of this Cardiff based event is to make the best elements of those clubs available to colleagues in Wales and the West of England, whilst introducing local expertise and context where appropriate.
The provision of estate services is an area that is constantly developing, and becoming ever more important to the look, feel and safety of communities, and their open and shared spaces. The look and feel of these open spaces is often the basis of an individual's initial opinion or view of a community or local area and can also affect their overall satisfaction with their landlord's performance.
Workshop content
The event will provide participants with the opportunity to hear speakers talk about a number of issues. Confirmed speakers are:
Darren Baird, Total Fire Solutions - Darren will talk about the causes, and subsequent learning from the Lakanal House fire that took place in July 2009
Colin Blick, Building Standards Technical Manager, Welsh Government - Colin will talk about The Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Measure 2011 that was approved by Welsh Government in October 2013, its implications for both HA's and LA's in their landlord and asset management roles, and will give an insight into some pilot installation schemes being developed by Welsh Government and HA's
Johanna Burns and Anthony Williams, Wales and West Housing - Johanna and Anthony will share their experience and approach to undertaking fire risk assessments
Steve Cole, Neighbourhoods Green - Steve will talk about the work he is doing with landlords across the UK to make better use of "Green Assets", access to alternative funding streams, and some of the new and innovative projects Neighbourhoods Green have been involved with
Roger H Moors, CEO SEEM (Supporting Social Business) - Roger will share his experience and knowledge in bringing SME's, SE's and social landlords together in a way that makes sure high standards of service delivery are achieved whilst benefiting local economies.
Alan Crowder, HouseMark Associate - Alan will outline the latest work of the estate services club.
Who should attend?
The workshop will be useful to anyone who has responsibility for designing, developing or managing blocks of flats, communal, open or shared spaces in communities and on estates or managing and delivering estate based services in the longer term for the benefit of local tenants, residents and wider customers.
The facilitator
The workshop will be facilitated by Alan Crowder, an experienced HouseMark Associate who runs HouseMark's estate services clubs and has over 35 years' experience in developing, designing and delivering services on estates and in communities across the UK.
The fee is £175 + VAT, £200 + VAT for non-members. Lunch and handouts will be provided. Book by Friday 23 May 2014 and receive a £20 discount off your booking.
How to book
To book a place, please follow this link to be taken to Eventbrite where you can book and pay for your place. If you have any questions, please contact or call .