Improving performance in ASB
17 July, Coventry
This year sees our conference focus on a major piece of new legislation. The ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014 which, the government says, will introduce simpler, more effective powers to address anti-social behaviour and provide better protection for victims and communities. In addition, we will look at the latest practice developments in improving performance of a housing provider's ASB service and ensuring better outcomes for those affected.
The conference will cover the latest issues facing ASB practitioners today, including:
plenary sessions from government and legal speakers on the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014 and the implementation of the new powers
key trends from the 2013/14 ASB benchmarking data which will summarise the sectors performance on ASB over the past year
Improving value for money and social impact through measuring ASB
Dealing with case management IT and understanding the issues you are facing
a legal clinic on ASB with a housing law specialist which will give you an opportunity to receive expert answers to your queries
how is social media impacting on ASB issues in communities
how to work restoratively with tenants
- Understanding behavioural issues – knowledge and understanding framework
- The Dangerous Dogs Act - understanding the amendments to this legislation
Chaired by:
Jan Luba QC, Garden Court Chambers
One of the country's foremost experts on social housing law. Regularly showcasing exceptional legal knowledge and breath taking advocacy skills and always pushing the boundaries in housing law.
Our speakers include:
Jan Luba QC - Garden Court Chambers
Peter Alleyne, Tackling Crime Unit - Crime Directorate
Janine Green, Legal Services and Assurance Manager - Housing Plus
Phil Cape - West Midlands Police
Paul Lloyd, Director - Whiteheads Solicitors
John Wickenden, Data Analysis Manager - HouseMark
Jeanette Brown and John Stevenson - Restorative Approaches in Housing
Fiona Blyth, Training Manager - Thames Valley initiative Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Paul Johns and Lizzie Sharland - ReAct
- Claire Robinson, Government Relations Manager - RSPCA
Paul Dunn MBE, Community Safety Consultant and Chair of the London ASB Manager's Group
Who should attend?
This event will be of interest to anyone concerned with or involved in how their organisation manages ASB and wishes to improve its performance.
How to book
To book a place, please follow this link to be taken to Eventbrite where you can book and pay for your place.