VFM Scotland Club
Next meeting 18 June 2015, Glasgow
Many social landlords in Scotland are now looking for ways to be more transparent with stakeholders about costs. They are also seeking guidance on how to measure VFM and how to discuss costs and service levels with tenants. Above all, social landlords are seeking to develop a sector perspective on VFM to develop and complement regulatory requirements.
To support landlords, we launched our new Value for Money (VFM) Club in Scotland in February 2015. Chaired by Kevin Scarlett, Chief Executive of River Clyde Homes, the Club met in February and will meet in June and October 2015.
We are inviting you to join us to help shape the development of VFM thinking amongst housing organisations. We will explore what VFM means to tenants and stakeholders, how to drive efficiencies through procurement, how to measure social value and overall how to apply VFM strategies successfully within your business.
For a copy of the club factsheet click here.
Following the February Club meeting we have launched the VFM Scotland Club page. Login details are required to access this web page.
In order to access our new VFM Club page please follow this link.
Your user name for the site will be your email address and your password is your existing HouseMark website password.
If you do not have a current HouseMark login, if you would like more information about the club, or to sign up please email